Category: The Art of Commitment
1. Introduction to The Art of Commitment
In The Art of Commitment, I argue that the function of art is political and that it is used to serve the interests of a market economy.
2. What is art?
In order for any theory of art to exist, one must be able to distinguish what is art from what is not.
3. The function of art through history
In the time of Plato and Aristotle, the function of art was social. Today we are used to art for art’s sake.
4. The current context
Our advanced capitalist market economy is based on the relationship between supply and demand, and on the specialised production of goods and knowledge.
5. How the current context shapes people
It is essential to be able to distinguish between the insignificant and the essential. But in the current context it is difficult to discern.
6. The arts world in the current context
The art world is a reflection of the world around it. Artists and academics have internalised the needs of the system of which they are part.
7. The artist
Most artists throughout history have produced homogeneous, conformist and complacent art.
8. The art of commitment
Art is always political. It exists within a context and uses elements that have a historical, political and social dimension.