Capture the energy of the day
One drawing first thing in the morning. Only one.
You are pregnant, congratulations.
Some drawings with text reflecting on pregnant women as public property.
Keeping knowledge secret
An illustration about women who had to hide their intellectual abilities.
All false ideals of beauty
An illustration combining beauty ideals from different times and cultures.
A comment on the failure of neoliberalism
An illustration made up of fragments of clothes patterns and economic theory.
Reconnecting with the vertical mouth
Three accordion booklets where I begin to play with eyes and vertical mouths.
An envelope written on the inside
B5 brown envelope painted with Chinese ink and white ink.
Veiled instructions
Inspired by the code on the dark screens of internet LAMP servers (Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP).
Playing with different alphabets
Seeking vestiges of a collective subconscious of written expression.
Abstract calligraphy
Some drawings experimenting with the gesture of writing without meaning. Inspired by the idea of abstract calligraphy as a path towards enlightenment.
Organic forms in the beginning of writing
Some drawings inspired by paleo Arabic writing.
Starting to explore the gesture of writing
The grafeos give name to this website. They are series of drawings and paintings that mark the beginning of the transition between my work as a designer and my work as an artist.
Manipulating public opinion with psychological warfare
A series of drawings on paper and blackout material using text from a psychological warfare technique manual released by the Pentagon.